Setelah mendownload file .iso (atau mungkin file apapun) pastikan untuk mengecek bahwa file yang kita download sudah sempurna/tidak corrupt.
SHA256 checksum lebih baik daripada MD5 checksum.
Penggunaan SHA256
shasum -a 256 <file.ISO>
contoh :
shasum -a 256 ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso
Hasil yang muncul di terminal
ccb7e6f1d1575f92f76e61413bd5b2235dd86c4e9a47b5d74bfe8352e95b9699 ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso
sumber : http://ubuntu-indonesia....
Browse » Home » Archives for February 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Remove Unity
Berikut ini adalah perintah untuk menhapus unity pada Ubuntu 12.04
sudo apt-get remove unity unity-2d-places unity-2d unity-2d-panel unity-2d-spread unity-asset-pool unity-services unity-lens-files unity-lens-music unity-lens-applications unity-common indicator-appmenu evolution-indicator
setelah itu lakukan perintah ini
sudo apt-get -f update && sudo apt-get -f dist-upgra...
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
20 Kegunaan Lakban a la MacGyver

copast dari siapa tau bisa jadi inspirasi :p
20 clever uses for duct tape
Duct tape is the absolute darling of the do-it-yourself set. Here are some novel, even wacky, uses for it.
Melissa Breyer
Wed, Nov 28 2012 at 2:30 PM
DIY, TreeHugger
Photo: woodleywonderworks/Flickr
In the 1940s the United States military asked Johnson & Johnson to devise “a waterproof, strong cloth based tape that could keep moisture out of ammunition cases.” The result was a superhero adhesive tape made from a rubber-based...
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